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Saturday, 13 October 2018

Person you are very close to?

Describe a person your are very close to. what you should say: 1. who this person is? 2. when you met them? 3. where you met them?    Assalamualaikum and Good morning guys. today i would like to share you guys about "the person who are very close to me". The person who are very near to me is my family and friend. They always be there when needed them the most and not only single word...

Memories of Dad and My sister

Hi guys!, Good night. For today entry i would like to write about "Memories of Dad and My sister". 15 June 2005 and 18 September 2010 will be a day that i will always remember. Sometimes i would stand in the door, Flashback a day with my dad and my sister. They always with me when i needed them the most and protect me when i am getting bullied with my friend. I still remember, at 10 years...

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

My Dream in UniMAP

Good Night guys!. For today entry i would like to share about " Dream". First of all,  What is Dream? it is just known as an imaginary or a real dream: noun a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. verb experience dreams during sleep. indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something...

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Third Week Of School (Food TRUCK and "Perasmian Kolej Kediaman Pf1)

Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera, Okay. For third entry, I would like to share about "Food Truck". First day at UniMAP, I think it will be 'No FUN' cause i have seen a lot of food at Perlis. But No! it is  Totally new things to me and i never 'SEEN' before. The food truck is so colorful,...

The Second Week of School

Hi There!! I finally managed to write this entry. Thank you for your patience. First of all, this week i don't have much to says Because : On This Week A Lot Of Public Holiday, Such As ; 1. Sunday 09 September 2018, Birthday of Seri Paduka Baginda yang Di-pertuan Agong. (King's Birthday) Sultan...

Saturday, 8 September 2018

THE First Week of School

My first day of class, I have told you guys that i had been accepted to be one of the luckiest members of  Mechanical Engineering Technology (Agricultural System) in University Malaysia Perlis. Everything goes fine and the orientation week (Minggu SuaiKenal 2018/2019) has come to...


August 25Th and 26Th , Whereby a lot of student prepare themselves to go to university. Where they have been assigned to. Same goes to me the first year student 2018/2019. I have been offered to continue my studies in major of agricultural system. #soExcited. Right!. I cannot believe it. After...