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    MINGGU SUAI KENAL 2018/2019.


    #PELAJAR BAHARU 2018/2019



Saturday 13 October 2018

Person you are very close to?

Describe a person your are very close to. what you should say:

1. who this person is?
2. when you met them?
3. where you met them?

   Assalamualaikum and Good morning guys. today i would like to share you guys about "the person who are very close to me". The person who are very near to me is my family and friend. They always be there when needed them the most and not only single word they says" we are busy", "don't have time" and " Please! don't disturb me on weekend" to me. what my family and friend will do is they willingness to find any of time to see or spend time with me. the only grateful word i able to express is by "thank you for all the time you be there to me". I cannot buy a value of friend because it's worth less that have sentimental value. Our family can be called as "friend" who are comes into our lives because of certain fine qualities they have, familiarity helps to get know one's true colors.

   My friend is one of my best friend who are willing to travel through the ups and downs of our lives. He or she will stand by us through thick and thins. where the place that we can share our own happiness and sorrow. Moreover,  they not only be as good as listener but they give good advice and supportive to us over shadow our own fear and problems. he or she not stand by  and watch us getting trouble. correcting me when i do's something wrong and praise me when i doing something right. besides, our own conversation with a friend can vary from casual to serious. but not all of friend i find trustworthy only certain of them with pure heart. But as time past by, it is because I believe people always find their own path of changes to change their own-self to be a better person. Soon i find the joyousness when we have more friend and family members.

   How i met my friend? i am on my dreams and sudden we have some telepathy going on  (just kidding). hahaha. i met them at kindergarten and also school. On that place i can meet and doing some activities with them. For example, running at corridor, cheating in examination, escapes from classes and hangout for delicate foods. But when time by time past away it teaches me to be a useful person that will make my family proud. I tell you guys one story when i in grade six, i felt jealous to my own twin brother as he the one who always achieve what he wants and have a lot of medals and as result the only thing i get is just silly comparison with my examination result to my brother. Sometimes it hurts me but some of time I just ignore what others say about me. i only know myself and what i have wanted to find in my life that is why i keeps trying my best and study hard to defeated him.But the world have change my perception where "we don't need to compete each other, but what we need is complete because we are family and have our own ability to success". So be our-self and do whatever we want to feel a freedom.

   where do i met my family and friend? there is no specific place or time  for forming relationship. friends maybe someone we have met, our neighbors or friend list that we have know through the internet. It cannot be denied that getting a good friend is not an easy deal. Good friends are invaluable assets which they deserve the whole world for me

I love my family and friend.

Memories of Dad and My sister

Hi guys!, Good night. For today entry i would like to write about "Memories of Dad and My sister". 15 June 2005 and 18 September 2010 will be a day that i will always remember. Sometimes i would stand in the door, Flashback a day with my dad and my sister. They always with me when i needed them the most and protect me when i am getting bullied with my friend. I still remember, at 10 years old  i get involved fight with my own brother because he always making joke of me and "show off" that he is the only one who a clever and have good attitude.(Tapi dia memang pandai nak mampuih mungkin sebab dia warisi kepandaian ibu saya dalam bidang perniagaan dan matematik #salute). Well,  we fight on the wrong place. Hahaha, we fought in our class and the teacher saw us in fight. Then he summon us to the front office "we are fined by the teacher and at the same time, we are required to reciprocate each other". Our teacher called my father and told about us having fight, then after going back from the school we got some lesson from our father. Start on that day, we promise to not fight again!!. But today it's just a memories to us. Furthermore, that one action has countless experiences that have shaped my childhood and led me to where i stand today. #ThanksToMyFamily

     i began following my late father to our farm when i was five years old. My father always used to teach me how to planting the plant on the right ways. An showing us the result of plants that we are planting. Human cannot rewind the time but we can only flashback the memory. I hope one day, i will be like my father who always keep his son and daughter to adore him and educate us to be better person on earth, respectful to each other and helping person who are in need. 


We do not need special day to bring you to our minds,
The days we do not think of you are very hard to find,
Each morning when awake we know that you are gone,
And no one knows the heartache as we try to carry on,
Our hearts still ache with sadness and secret tear still flow,
What it meant to lose  you no one will ever knows,
Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one can fill

     My late sister passed away when she was nineteen years old. On that time, she pursued study at Sabak Bernam Community College, Selangor. my sister told my mother that she do not feel well and want to comeback home. My mother asked my sister to back home early and we able to seek specialist for further check ups. But Allah S.W.T loved her more. Allah S.W.T. takes the ones he loves the most first. The memories with my late sister, is still in my head. Remember when i forget to bring money to school she the only one who can i borrowed the money to buy a foods because she is very diligent on work and always save money from work. besides, she so friendly, polite and respect her parents. my sister is the best. Every time she cooks or buys something she will not forget to share (sharing is caring) with us that make us so happy and comfortable. Last but not least, we can't bring them back, but the most important thing i can do's is pray for him, and ask forgiveness and mercy for him, and for paradise and salvation from the fire, and other good and beautiful du'aa's (prayers). 

Tuesday 25 September 2018

My Dream in UniMAP

Good Night guys!. For today entry i would like to share about " Dream". First of all, 
What is Dream? it is just known as an imaginary or a real dream:

  1. a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.
  2. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.

  1. experience dreams during sleep.
  2. indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired.
  3. contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case.

I always dream during my sleep. Hahaha. #Angan-Angan mat jenin.

   On this day I'll not only talk about definition of "dream" but I want to share my dream at UniMAP. If you guys need to know I am the one of  first year student at UniMAP. So, let focus on what I want to share with you guys. 

   For today topic that had given by Madam Yuzi is to write down about " My Dream In UniMAP". 

   I think everyone has their own dream to achieve whether it is to get married early or continuing the education level. such as, In diploma level, degree, master and lastly phD (doctors of philosophy). But some people want to become a successful Engineer and discover new amazing things. I have my own dream for the future just like everyone on this classes. Where my dream to think about good life, having a lot of money , get marry with the women that I love, Hehehe. And also a successful entrepreneur.

UniMAP is my first step to achieve my dream. If you guys want to success your should start with "The plan" which is related to you own vision and mission. Furthermore, everyone on the earth has to "face their own failure" because of they do not have the right direction (The Plan) to conduct or
to show them the right ways. That's why you guys need to start planning "what you want to do? and grab any opportunities offered by UniMAP to fulfill one of ur chance to have success.

My Vision
1. To be one of good student at UniMAP.
2. Be able to balance Academic and co-curriculum.
3. To give my 100% performance that will make UniMAP proud.


My mission

    Firstly, Just like everyone mission to make sure their family proud of our own achievement and be able to get a good position on job company. Besides, always show the other university not only their student can success but our student UniMAP also can reach a goal which is to become a successful engineer.

My planning.

  My first plan is to make sure to do my best to keep my grade up. Give 100% performance on assignment and be a great at leadership. i might be ended up failed but it is not the right time for me to give up because I have my friend and lecturer who will guide me to accomplish my dreams.

 Quote : What you give you get back. 

If you give a positive vibe you will get positive back, and if you give a negative vibe so you will get negative.

Let's play some game 
1. First, write down on paper about"what you wanted to achieve in life?".
2. Second, hold the paper and facing your face at the mirror.
3. Third, your will see how ugly you are..Hahaha just kidding.
4. sorry guys. Fourth, speak loudly to the mirror and you guys will feel so refreshing and energetic.
 (I hope the mirror will not crack).

Last but not least, you guys have to prove to others that you can be one of the great UniMAP students. Don't forget to stay humble, always prayers, spent more time with family ( Please, Call them on your free time) and Blessings (DOA) from your mother/father in what ever you do. In Sha Allah.. Anda akan berjaya didunia and di akhirat kelak. 

Lastly, I hope all of us will graduate on time and fulfill our dreams.

So, what you guys dreams? share with me..

Saturday 22 September 2018

Third Week Of School (Food TRUCK and "Perasmian Kolej Kediaman Pf1)

Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera, Okay. For third entry, I would like to share about "Food Truck". First day at UniMAP, I think it will be 'No FUN' cause i have seen a lot of food at Perlis. But No! it is  Totally new things to me and i never 'SEEN' before. The food truck is so colorful, the services and products are very GOOD!?. I'm too shocked because to many of foods such as Teriyaki, Nasi Ganja , Ais Kepal Milo/Horlicks, Lok ching and etcThe seller too polite and always make-sure buyer felt so happy buying Food from them. I will show some BEVERAGE & FOOD which are  student likely to buy when Food truck come at our faculty:

1. Ice blended with fifteenth flavor and you can add any different topping that you're liking.
Such as, whipping cream, rainbow rice sparkles, jelly chocolate and etc.

2. This is only half of food truck that come on
that day.
If normal day, It will have 7 or 8 trucks came to our faculty.

3.Too CROWDED show student always give a moral support but our own facilities that
 had been provided by UniMAP.

"PERASMIAN KOLEJ KEDIAMAN PF2 ( Tuanku Tengku Fauziah ),

'Perasmian Kolej Kediaman Pf2 oleh Yang Berdaulat Raja Perlis"

The Second Week of School

Hi There!! I finally managed to write this entry. Thank you for your patience. First of all, this week i don't have much to says Because :

On This Week A Lot Of Public Holiday, Such As ;

1. Sunday 09 September 2018,

  • Birthday of Seri Paduka Baginda yang Di-pertuan Agong. (King's Birthday)
  • Sultan Muhammad V is the 15Th  and the current Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia and the sultan of kelantan.


2.  Monday 11 September 2018,
  • Celebration "Islamic New Year", Also known as Arabic New Year or Hijri New Year, is the day that marks beginning of a new Islamic calendar year. We call as "Awal Muharram".

After holiday, I came back from my parents house and go back to college (Uniciti Alam). On that day, We all start to learn new thing. Which is about taxonomy of living things.What is taxonomy? Definition of Taxonomy is process of naming and classifying things such as animals and plants into group within a larger system. What taxonomy do humans belong to?  We are Not animal or plant but we also a"Iiving thing "Haa?. If your guys want to know the Classification of human species
 (systematic name Homo Sapien) it because human are intelligent and can speak. Cewahh... tiba - tiba pandai. Hahahhahhahah . Moreover, Many of thing we learn on this week but what can i says to conlude is whatever do we learn please don't forget to share with each other. #SharingisCaring. #UnimapMantap#PerlisKuHebat. 

Saturday 8 September 2018

THE First Week of School

My first day of class, I have told you guys that i had been accepted to be one of the luckiest members of  Mechanical Engineering Technology (Agricultural System) in University Malaysia Perlis. Everything goes fine and the orientation week (Minggu SuaiKenal 2018/2019) has come to an end in last few days. on that weeks, PPMS as our guide/instructors their are very nice and always take care about new students well being.

Thanks to PPMS. " you guys are awesome committee" #Tepuk2 UniMAP  #TheBESTpreparationFORtomorrowISdoingYourBESTtoday

I really enjoyed to live here...

I have gotten my class timetable and what make me so shocked is!? the most of MY SCHEDULE is Not packed with too many classes! #TimeToSleep..hahahahaha.  But, Except for Monday...sob..sob.#cryNoisily. On the other day, what can I says for agricultural students we only have about two or three class. I don't know if this is actually normal or not - normal. 

#Throwback my diploma schedule its too packed. For example, every morning students should go to class for learning process and after finish class, we all needed to go to the field or laboratory doing practical. I guess it will  be the same here..But..NAH' it's not. However, since I have a lot of free time so
I haven't decided what i want to do. 


Some of routine my classmate do is like go for hiking and jogging every morning or evening if we don't have a class or free time.



August 25Th and 26Th , Whereby a lot of student prepare themselves to go to university. Where they have been assigned to. Same goes to me the first year student 2018/2019. I have been offered to continue my studies in major of agricultural system. #soExcited. Right!. I cannot believe it. After one year waiting for this opportunity and I've got it!.

Lets get straight to the point, I would advice you all to come early on" The registration day". Because it will be very crowded and to avoid waiting in a long queue. My registration at Uniciti Alam Sg. Chuchuh. I had arrived at that place at half an hour early. First Day, I register myself as a student at Uniciti Alam and head to hostel for another registration. Furthermore, After all the registration process finish. I am moving up my bags to the hostel and do some cleaning . At the evening, Students from Faculty Of Engineering Technology need to go to Pauh which is the main campus. We arrive on that place at 2:45 pm, The muslim do a prayer and non -muslim getting handle by PPMS. What Does PPMS Mean? PPMS "Pembimbing Pelajar Minggu SuaiKenal". PPMS also guide all junior and take care about students welfare for example health and etc. Before another activities being held, we all had a lunch time and go straight away to "Dewan Ilmu" for a few talk which are  "Taklimat Canselor UniMAP", " Activities with PPMS""Taklimat Hepa" and last but not least, "Taklimat Kolej Kediaman"  by fellow colleagues" . At 1:00 pm, We head back to Uniciti Alam College. #sleepingBeauty.

Second and third day

    August 28Th and 29Th,  All student must be ready before 6:45 am and assemble at Dataran Kolej Uniciti Alam get handle by PPMS. Student are asked to line up by following their floor level rooms to facilitate the bus ride. Bus departure at 6:30 am and we all arrive at 7:25 @ 7:30 am. On that time, All student be given a time to breakfast by PPMS. The menu is "Nasi Lemak and Mineral Water". PPMS give us some Warning.

WARNING!: Which is "student should not waste their food or mineral water because they will not give you twice", so you need to appreciate it. Besides, they teaching us the official UniMAP song. For example: "Wawasan Ku" and 'Semangat UniMAP". Next, During the orientation briefing students can look forward about university such as student Developments.
Students have a capability to find the information by using ICT, Hub Digital, Library And "ACAD UniMAP".

(PPMS stand for "Pembimbing Pelajar Minggu Suaikenal")
Library UniMAP
Hub Digital

This is one of the facilities that been provided by the UniMAP to fulfill the wishes of the students. In fact, Helping students to find the information they need. 


On this day a lot of activity are doing such as listening to "Taklimat Pusat Sukan", "Taklimat PTPTN","Taklimat Jabatan"  and also "Bicara ADDIN". (Tapi yang paling penting, Bila kita ingat Allah, Allah akan Ingat Kita)"ketahuilah, Dengan berzikir kepada Allah, Hati kita akan lebih tenang." (Surah AR-RA'D ayat 28)

Fourth and fifth day

In addition, On August 31. All student and Staff UniMAP has celebrated the 61st independence day and some performing from new students. Besides, We also celebrating the few of lucky students who had a birthday on that month. #aVeryEnjoyableDay. Last but not least, The orientation weeks showing us about benefits and information that are useful to all of us.

#New-experiences #ITMAKEmeHaPPY. #LOVEUniMAP. 


Malaysia poetry
  MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
A land where I was born and raised,
MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
All people live here Happily,
MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
The most beautiful land I've Ever seen,
MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
The most peaceful land I've Ever been,
MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
I WILL live Here until the Day I DIE,
MalaysiaKu, MY Country,
ONLY you in My Heart,


Sayangi MalaysiaKu